
Showing posts from June, 2018


HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY ABIGAIL'S ANXIETIES!!!! We made it through the first year. There have been tears, tantrums and times where all we wanted to do was sleep (but to be honest, that's me all the time).  But there have also been smiles, laughter and many kind words exchanged.  So let's sit back and look over the first year of Abigail's Anxieties and start to look to the future so we can have even more to celebrate on our second birthday.  It all started on Wednesday 28th June 2017 when I set up this blog and was planning on having it as a place where I could not only vent about problems (thank you very much for listening to those rants by the way) but I could also use it as a place to show the positives and negatives of mental health problems to show both sides of the coin and educate people who may not know much about them and how they can help. We started on the same day by showing the somewhat ugly side of mental health problems with a post called...