Yeah, I'm 21 and use a walking stick. So what?

Yeah, I'm 21 and use a walking stick. So what? When you think of the usual person that uses a walking stick on a daily bases, I don't think that a 21-year-old university student who dresses in vintage style clothing is the first image that comes to mind. But it doesn't have to be, because I have in fact put that image just below for you. Here's the thing, for me, using a walking stick is part of my daily life, You see, I'm currently in the process of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia (in fact as I write this, I'm just over a week away from going to a rheumatology appointment to have some tests done to hopefully get a definitive diagnosis so I finally know what's going on) and my god do I have a lot of pain. My pain is all over my body but the number of intense pain points I have in my body is, in my opinion, stupid. Let's go through the list shall we: -neck -spine -right shoulder joint -left wrist (thank god I...