Leaving the house with fibromyalgia: my tips and tricks

Leaving the house with fibromyalgia My tips and tricks As some of you may know, I have a pain condition called fibromyalgia (on top of a few other conditions but that’s for another time) and as a full-time university student, I often find myself having to leave the house on high pain days. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve had days where I haven’t been able to get out of bed and I’ve tried to do learning at home, but sometimes the pain and fatigue has been so bad I can’t even work from bed. Those days are known as “write off days” in our household. But on other days the pain has been bad, but not bad enough for me to stay at home so I find myself having to get dressed and venture into the outside world. Over the past few years, I’ve been working out what can help me when I’m out on the go to help push through those few hours until I can get back to the sanctuary that is my bed with my heating pad and a mountain of pillows to support my back. And I’m here to share tho...