Keep calm and coupon on (how I save money and where I find my online coupons/vouchers)

Keep Calm and Coupon On

How I save money and where I find online coupons/vouchers

Disclaimer: I know that all the links work for the UK but I cannot guarantee they will work anywhere else in the world.

I'm a student, and as I student I'm always on the lookout for ways to save money on things I buy and to be honest, looking for where I can get stuff for free. In this post, I will be letting you know where I find deals and the cheapest prices online and how I find coupons/vouchers for things.

Now you may be wondering just how saving money can link to mental health and anxiety, but you could be surprised. You see, very often those with anxiety such as me and my parents find it helpful to know that the important things around us like our home and our car are safe and secure. The same goes for the amount in the bank, by knowing that we always had enough money to survive as well as occasionally treating ourselves from time to time, it gave them one less thing to worry about. By finding ways to save money such as finding the cheapest prices and discounts, they were sure they weren't going over budget and that it was all going to be okay. 

And now to get started; firstly I'm going to introduce you to 2 websites/apps that are only available to students or anyone with an email address ending in  

Number 1: Student beans and number 2: Unidays

Both of these apps/websites simply ask for you to verify the fact that you are a student by using your education email and then BAM!! You have hundreds of discounts available to you such as half price Apple music and 15% off at KFC. Just make sure that you have the app open when purchasing to make sure you can prove that you are a student and maybe have some ID on you as well, you know, to be on the safe side (the side us people with anxiety like to stay on a lot of the time). 

Next, we have where I find online coupons/vouchers called where you simply search for the store that you want to shop in and then see what offers and discounts are available. For example, say you wanted to go out for dinner, you go to the restaurant vouchers sections and look through what offers different restaurants around you are offering to see where you can get both the best food and the best deal.

There's then the price comparison site called PriceRunner where you type in the exact product it is you what to buy and you will be shown a list of not only where it is available for you to buy but also the prices that they offer. Great for those large purchases such as ovens and fridges to make sure you are getting both quality and quantity. 

Finally, we have 2 of my favourite sites, and they happen to be my favourite because, in exchange for you taking surveys, they will pay you. In the case of Qmee you get between 25p-50p per survey (which are 5-35 minutes long) you take which can then be sent to your account via PayPal and you will be surprised in how fast all the money can add up. I was doing around 2-3 surveys a day and within a month I managed to make around £10, definitely worth it in my opinion. There is then OpinionOutpost where some of the surveys are much longer (up to 40-45 minutes) but offer you points instead of actual money. Once you have collected enough points, you can get a range of different rewards such as exchange it for real money to your PayPal account, a range of coupons/vouchers for many different shops andAmazonn gift certificates. 

And that's it for my ways of saving money and finding coupons/vouchers along with how I actually get money for doing surveys. I'll be back on Monday morning (GMT) with a round up of my week and how my anxiety has been.

Stay happy, stay health, from Abbie xx


  1. Im going to uni in september so this post will really come in useful! I use Unidays and have been since I started college, I've saved SO much money on it its an amazing app x
    Kate Elizabeth Jessica Young | Blog

    1. Thank you, I'm starting uni in September as well, good luck :)

  2. Awesome! Gonna try these. School starts soon for me, so hopefully the links work and I can use these.

  3. Going to try these out! Thank you x


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