The setting up of my DSA equipment

The setting up of my DSA equipment

What it was like for me to have my DSA equipment delivered and set up

So today was finally the day I had my DSA equipment delivered and set up for me. And honestly was much easier than I was expecting it to be. I wasn't really sure was expecting, but I certainly wasn't expecting it to only take around 15 minutes to get all of the software downloaded onto my laptop. The most challenging part was probably trying to make small talk with the man delivering, that's the one thing I struggle most with my anxiety; making small talk with people I don't know. Luckily the delivery man was quite understanding about this, and my mum happened to be in the room with me and she's great at making small talk so that took a bit of the pressure off me.

The most challenging part was properly once the delivery man left because I just want to jump right in and have a go with all the equipment and software, and instead of having the delivery man stay for longer to explain to me I decided to give it a go myself. In hindsight probably wasn't the best idea, but I got there in the end.

Altogether I got seven pieces of software, a wireless headset with a microphone, microphone to record all my lectures on and a power bank which won't only charge the microphone but also charge my phone so I don't have to worry about being without it when I go outside the house (because for me my phone can be my saving grace as it distracts me from everything else going on around me and keeps my anxiety under control).

I've only tried one piece of software so far, but it was the one I was most excited about so there's no surprise there, and in fact, I'm using it as I write this post. To be more specific, I'm using it to write this post.

It's something called Dragon NaturallySpeaking and what it does is dictates what I'm saying through the microphone on the wireless headset, which is going to help me. You see, having anxiety can make your brain go what feels like hundred mph so when you're getting multiple ideas that you want to write down your hands just can't keep up. But now that I have this dictation software, I'll be able to say was my fault out loud, and it will show up on screen. It also helps me, if I ever have any of my depressive episodes so even if I don't have the motivation to even get out of bed, I'll still be able to work and make notes just by lying in bed, wearing the headset, talking into it.

I'll be sure to do a follow-up review with all of the other equipment and software once I've used it but for now, I just wanted to briefly explain how the setup went and just time getting along so far even though it's only been around half an hour.

If you have any questions about DSA equipment or just applying for DSA, in general, be sure to comment down below and maybe share this with somebody that you think might find it helpful. Also be sure to follow Abigail's anxieties to see future posts about the equipment and software.

Stay happy, stay healthy, from Abbie xx


  1. This was really interesting. I lived with someone that received DSA and I know she had some struggles. Hope you're alright x

  2. the dragon stuff is really cool software, we use it all the time in dictating chart notes


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