
Showing posts from November, 2017

When you feel like you're wearing a mask...

When you feel like you're wearing a mask... First things first: depression sucks. Like really, really sucks. It can strike at any moment, it doesn't care what you need to do or what your social plans are. It's selfish and only cares about making its presence known.  The trouble is that while some employers/education centres/friends/family are starting to become more understanding when it comes to mental health problems, the majority of them still aren't and you somehow find yourself forcing yourself going through your everyday life as if nothing is wrong when on the inside you have no emotion whatsoever.  And that's when you have to choose which mask you're going to wear that day.  Are you going to wear your sad mask, you know, the one that people think depression really is? This might make your depression seem more believable to those around you so they finally believe that there is something rather than it just being a case of needing ...

My Liebster award nomination/acceptance post!!!

My Liebster award nomination/acceptance post!!! So yeah, I've only gone and got nominated for the Liebster award by the wonderful  my naija life  who writes about her life in Nigeria.  For those wondering what the Liebster award is it is an award that was  created to recognize and discover new bloggers and to welcome them to the world of blogging. The award only exists online and is provided by bloggers, for bloggers. In other words, it's all about bloggers supporting and building each other up.  There are however a few rules that have to be followed by those who are nominated: If you've been nominated and have decided to accept it, write a Blog post about this award including a thank you to the blog that nominated you in the first place and also provide a link to them. Display the award on your blog either in the post or by including it as a widget/gadget on your blog Answer the questions about yourself, which the person who ...


HEAR YE, HEAR YE!!! HANDMADE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS FOR SALE!!! (Insert shameless plug for my knitting business here) ( you can even have a look at the logo here) Hi everyone,  this is just a quick post to show off (and shamelessly plug) the fact that my knitting business has currently got a couple of handmade Christmas decorations, each one made by yours truly. First up, we have a lovely silvery-grey snowflake, 4 inches by 4 inches. It's hand crocheted and also has a loop on the top to make it easy to hook onto maybe a Christmas tree or even to use in place of a gift tag on presents.  The second item is a dark green (with specks of brown) hand crocheted Christmas tree, 4 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Again it has a loop at the top so could also be used for decorations or in place of a gift tag.  Both of these items are £2 each with free postage in the UK but an extra £2 for postage anywhere ou...

Why am I doing (and finishing) my Christmas shopping in early November?

Why am I doing (and finishing) my Christmas shopping in early November? Now some of you are probably already screaming at the title of this post and are probably considering doing one of two things: 1) clicking away because you don't think you can even begin to understand why someone would even want to be thinking about finishing their Christmas shopping in early November or 2) reading this whole post because you want to understand why on earth someone would be thinking a bit finishing their Christmas shopping in early November. Well if you fall into the number 2 group then settle down and enter my (extremely early) winter wonderland of "Christmas in early November" (insert Christmas music and all that jazz here) Number 1: crowds Now as someone with an anxiety disorder, I'm not good at dealing with large crowds at the best of times, but when it gets to the Christmas season shopping centres seem to turn into a scene from any dead rising game. It...