My Liebster award nomination/acceptance post!!!

My Liebster award nomination/acceptance post!!!

So yeah, I've only gone and got nominated for the Liebster award by the wonderful my naija life who writes about her life in Nigeria. 

For those wondering what the Liebster award is it is an award that was created to recognize and discover new bloggers and to welcome them to the world of blogging. The award only exists online and is provided by bloggers, for bloggers. In other words, it's all about bloggers supporting and building each other up. 

There are however a few rules that have to be followed by those who are nominated:

If you've been nominated and have decided to accept it, write a Blog post about this award including a thank you to the blog that nominated you in the first place and also provide a link to them.

Display the award on your blog either in the post or by including it as a widget/gadget on your blog

Answer the questions about yourself, which the person who nominated you will ask you. (You can use the same questions as me if you like ;)) 

Provide a few random facts about you.

Nominate blogs that you feel deserve the award (and who have got less than 1000 followers).

List these rules in your post.

Let the blogs that you nominated know you have nominated them for the Liebster award and send them a link to your Liebster award post so that they can learn about it you never know, they may have never heard of it.

Me answering my questions:

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I'm happy to stay in the UK for now. The thought of moving to a different country right now with my anxiety makes me panic so I hate to think what I'd be like actually doing it.

Looking back at your life, what's your most happy memory?
It'll probably have to be the moment I met my boyfriend over 3 years ago. It was our first day at college, he walked in 10 minutes late and then nearly dropped a chair on that he was carrying over.

Who is your idol and why?
Michelle Mone. She went from being married and pregnant at 20 and being told she'd never do anything with her life to working hard and creating a £39 million business.

Which quote/proverb describes you best?
Probably introverted. I like to keep myself to myself at first and will only open up as I get to know someone and I sometimes have to give myself "time out" as a way to mentally recharge.

Have you started your blog out of passion or professional reasons?
Passion, I wanted to spread the word about mental health problems as someone who actually suffers from them o educate those who don't know much about them and offer support to those who have them. 

Of all the people in the world, whom would you like to have dinner with and why?
It would have to be Michelle Mone, I feel that being around her would just give me the motivation to do that little bit better in everything I do in life.

What is the purpose of your blog?
Again to spread the word about mental health problems, to educate those who don't know much about them and offer support to those who have them. 
What song really gets to you?
bohemian rhapsody, it's the type of music I was brought up on and it's been my favourite song since I was 5, so for nearly 15 years.

If you would get a writer's block, what would you to for inspiration?
I like to write all my ideas for posts as they pop into my head and then write a few bullet points under them to make sure I know what I meant when it comes to writing the post itself.

Whats your favourite animal and why?
Panda, and to be honest, I'm not really 100% sure why.
Now for 10 random facts about me:

1) I live in the UK and I have never actually left the UK (yet ;)).

2) I am an only child, and it annoys me so much when people ask me to describe it but that's only because I've never experienced having siblings so I have nothing to compare it to.

3) I'm quite tall for a female at 5 foot 10 inches, but that isn't much of a surprise as my dad is 6 foot 3 inches.

4) I have been with my boyfriend for just over 3 years, we got together when we were both about to turn 17 after only knowing each other for 2 1/2 weeks. People told us that it would never last but 3 years later, we're still here and stronger than ever.

5) I am obsessed with skincare. Anything natural that can help reduce spots and improve skin in general, I am all over. 

6) I'm currently in my first year of University studying BSc Food development and innovation.

7) I love to knit and crochet, I even run a small business where I sell my goods which you can find here.

8) I'm a ginger, and only a ginger can call another ginger ginger (comment below if you know where this quote/lyric is from).

9) I have double jointed elbows which have even freaked out a physiotherapist.

10) I know far too much Harry Potter trivia if that is even possible.

My Nominees:

And now the moment you've all been waiting nominees for the Liebster award

So thank you for reading and remember:

be happy, be healthy, from Abbie x


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