Dear world, please believe me when I tell you I'm ill...

Dear world, please believe me when I tell you I'm ill. I know, I know. Looking at me from the outside I look like a relatively healthy 20-year-old woman. I don't look particularly overweight, I'm taller than the average woman but nothing too notable. But what I need you to understand, world, is that what you see is a one-second snapshot of my life. What you don't see is the confusion, the anxiety, the lack of motivation, the lack of emotion and the stress in my brain. You don't see the night before where I was lying in bed wondering if it was worth getting up the next day just to go back to bed, to get up again, to go to bed again... You don't see just how many thoughts are going through my head at any one time. You don't see me crying, holding myself and sometimes unable to make a single noise as I try to understand what is going on around me while whatever is around me is making no effort to try and understand...