The best-laid plans... 2 weeks later

 The best-laid plans...2 weeks later

So in case you didn't read my post called "the best-laid plans", which you can catch up on here then here is a rapid recap of what happened.

Basically just over 2 weeks ago, the same week I re-launched this blog, my appendix decided to develop access, make a kink in my fallopian tube, cause me a lot of pain and in short, I had an appendectomy.

It took a toll on my mental and physical health which you can read all about in the original post, but now I'm here to tell you about how I'm doing 2 weeks later as my body now gets used to having no appendix. 

Firstly, I no longer have to take painkillers, not even my regular painkillers for my fibromyalgia but that's more down to the doctors telling me not to for a good while after surgery as it could make my full recovery time even longer.

But to be honest, I've found I no longer need them. Since my appendix went bye-bye, my pain levels throughout my body are the lowest they've been for months, my energy levels are higher and in general, I feel great. 

One theory we have in the family for this is that my appendix has been slowly growing over the course of a few months, meaning that it's been pushing on my fallopian tube for a few months causing a hormonal imbalance which could have been causing more pain.

Whatever was going on in there, I'm just grateful that it seems to have stopped now and I can get on with the rest of my life. 

My movement has also gotten better, but my incisions are still a little sore and are a little tender whenever I cough or sneeze due to having to use my abdominal muscles, but I highly doubt that it'll last much longer.

I've also started to work on a little bit of scar reduction. At the end of the day, I know that I will always have some small scars from this surgery, and I'm very grateful to have them as that operation essentially saved my life, but another part of me wants to reduce them, even if it's just a little bit.

In a way, I think it's my brain's way of telling me that this is going to be something that will always have happened to me and an experience I will not forget, but I also need to make sure that it stays just a small part of my life rather than being obvious and at the forefront. 

Or maybe I'm just thinking a little too deeply about it...

Anyway, as for my mental state, I'm feeling raring and ready to go on with my life plans pre-appendectomy. 

Those life plans are to work on and very, very soon apply for doing my Master's by research. Basically, I will spend a year researching and working towards answering a hypothesis and working towards answering research aims and objectives. I'm not going to say what it is just yet, but I do have my research aims and objectives, my research proposal is written out (well, a draft at least) and a list of potential supervisors has been made. 

That's about it really, just over 2 weeks after having a medical emergency involving surgery my quality of life has gotten better and I think that the only way things can go is up.

If anyone has any questions about the recovery process or just any questions for me in general, please feel free to leave them in the comments below and I'll get back to them as soon as I can.

Other than that, I'll see you next week,

Be happy, be healthy, from Abbie x

Insagram: @abbiec97               Facebook: Abigail's Anxieties               Twitter:@abbiec97            


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