So I'm a knitter...(and a disorganised one at that)

So I'm a knitter...

And a disorganised one at that!

A lot of people seem to be surprised by that fact that I, a 19-year-old girl, likes to spend her nights staying in a knitting rather than going out on the town. But to be completely honest, my idea of a good night is staying in and doing my own thing, which is usually either playing video games or, on most nights, knitting. I put this down to two things: me having anxiety and therefore I feel more comfortable staying in and in general having an "old soul".

I started knitting  and crocheting at the age of 3 with my grandma insisting that I learned the skill as one day I would find it useful (either that or she was looking for something for me to do so I'd stop running around the place) and since then I've been hooked (crocheting puns for the win). Over the years I've been homing in my skills and moving on to more and more items which to me now seem simple but to others seem nearly impossible to make. 

I, of course, started with the generic scarfs and blankets as they require the least amount of skill (just knitting rows back and forth) but 16 years later I can now make things such as socks, pillows with specific designs, fun hats and a hat, scarf and mitten set (just because I said I'm moved up in my skills doesn't mean I'm leaving my scarf beginnings behind me). 

Now you might be thinking "but the title says you're a disorganised knitter Abbie? How can you make things like this without knowing where everything is at all times?" and to 100% honest, I'm not too sure myself. I'd like to say it's from my pure skill and that I'm that good I can find what I need for my current project in the mess that is my knitting station (it's such a mess I don't even want to show you a picture of it) but it's probably mostly down to luck, as in I have the right thing at the top at the right time.

You may also be thinking "but Abbie, in your first weekly catch up you said that you like to have structure and routine in your life? How come when it comes to knitting you're so disorganised?" (Boy you ask a lot of questions don't you? It's okay, I forgive you) and the answer is that for some reason when it comes to my knitting and my projects, I'm put into some type of trance and I'm in, shall we say, "the zone". It can go as far as worrying my family, my boyfriend and even myself sometimes as I won't talk, sleep or even eat until I have finished what I'm doing (to be honest, I do this a lot in my life with my educational work too). But in the end, I'm not going to stop, and I tell you why.

Knitting is one of the best therapies I could ever have.

In my family life, I've often not had much if any control over what happens in my life, from the problems my dad has had, the effects that it's had on my family life and heck, even my own brain is unpredictable and that lack of control has always stressed me out more and more the older I have gotten. But when I'm knitting and crocheting, the wool, the knitting needles and the crochet hook have to do what I want them to do and cannot make something I don't want them to make. In a way, it's giving me back the lack of control I've been lacking my entire life. 

The "Knit and Stitch accessories" logo
So now what? What do I do with all this knitting? Just keep going until I run out of room to put everything I make?

Well actually, I decided that instead of keeping all this knitting to myself I would start to offer my services go others and so I set up my own Facebook page and Instagram where I show and sell my knitted items. It's called "Knit and Stitch accessories" and the Facebook page can be found here and the Instagram can be found here so be sure to check them out to keep up with my future creations. 

And there's the story of my lifelong love affair with knitting, and I think it's safe to say that it's going to last for the rest of my life.

If you have any questions about knitting or anything you read be sure to comment them down below.

Stay happy, stay healthy, from Abbie xx


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