The weekly catch up #4

The weekly catch up #4

A week in my life condensed down into one post

17th July-23rd July

Before I start this weekly catch up, I just wanted to say that we've made it to one whole month of doing these weekly catch ups which to me is a big deal. Often I lose motivation very easily due to my depression but I glad that this is the one thing I managed to stick with, so YAY!!!

Monday- now this Monday, I really needed a day to look after myself and my skin as I had been breaking out a lot due to stresses at home and having good skin always helps me mentally (you can read why here in a past post) so I spent my day giving my face a good wash, did a face mask and some others things. But before I was given the chance to start my mini spa day, something else that I had to deal with popped up. Isn't that always the way? 

But this was good news, it was the news of my DSA equipment and the fact that I was able to get it delivered THAT WEEK!! I wasn't expecting to get it so soon but hey, when things like that happen, sometimes you just have to go with it (something I find hard with anxiety but I like to think I'm getting better at it...I think). I even managed to talk to a stranger on the phone, something I'm immensely proud of as often I don't even like to talk to new people face to face, so to be able to talk to them without seeing their face it quite a big deal.

Abbie 1: Anxiety 0

After that I just continued on with the day that I had planned for myself; giving myself a bit of TLC. If you want to know exactly what I did then it might be easier for you to watch the YouTube video I made about it here rather than sitting and reading my probably very patchy recollection of the day. 

Tuesday- My Tuesday consisted of...wait for'll never guess...GOING OVER TO MY BOYFRIEND'S!!! You know, the same thing I do every Tuesday. We just had a nice relaxing day in on the PS4, I know, such a surprise (insert sarcasm here). Again, it's probably easier for you to watch the YouTube video I made of that day here than read the long, over explained details I'd probably give. 

Wednesday- This was the day that I FINALLY HAD A WORKING WINDOW!!! To give a little back story, my back window in my room has had a broken hatch for around a month and a half so I wasn't able to open it. And of course that time of not being able to open the window coincided with the heatwave that we had here in the UK. Let's just say that during that time I was very thankful that we had a spare electric fan that could be put in my room.

 I will however say that getting the window replaced was no easy feat. We called and left the workman messages for an entire week and he FINALLY answered on the last time we were going to give his a chance. Talk about coincidence, am I right? Then I had to deal with having a person that I don't know, in my bedroom or as I like to call it: my safe haven. I did panic slightly (which you can watch here) but in the end it all went well in the end and there wasn't anything to worry about. But you try and tell someone with an anxiety disorder to not worry about something!!

Thursday- Not much happened on Thursday except for my delivery of my DSA equipment, which you can read all about on the post I made about it on the day here. And in case you have got no idea what I mean when I say DSA then you can read about exactly what it is and what you have to go thought to get it here and here. 

Friday, Saturday & Sunday- We now come to the weekend where I did the normal routine; go to boyfriends, not do much for a few days and then come back to my own house. I played PS4, ate pizza, slept, ate more food, did some cleaning then ate more food. I don't have a video on my channel yet of the weekend (I know, shocker), but by the time you see this I should hopefully have it edited and uploaded so be sure to subscribe to the channel here so you don't miss it. See, you thought you'd get awa from the shameless plugging of the YouTube channel didn't you? But you never will, MMMMWWWWHAHAHAHAH!!!! That was...that was meant to be an evil laugh right there...Anyway, moving on.

That's it for this week, I have a few things planned for the next week so be sure tp come back for that and maybe follow/subscribe to Abigail's Anxieties so you are sure not to miss it. But for now:

Stay happy, stay healthy, from Abbie xx 


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