Feeling of sensory overload

Feelings of Sensory overload

So I wrote this post while I was in one of my university lectures and experiencing sensory overload. 

I'm sitting in my lecture as I write this, experiencing sensory overload. Something that I have alot and really affects my anxiety and my ability to perform in class.

The only way I can think to describe it to those who don't suffer from this is image that it was possible for you to hear every sound that is happening in the room around you, you feel the vibrations from those noises travelling through your body and there is no way for you to stop them.

Now you may think how this affects my anxiety, but to that I ask how doesn't it?

The main focus of my anxiety is that I struggle to process information that I'm being told, I'm trying to listen to everything I need to all at once and then I start to panic that I'm going to miss out on something important and that I'm going to fail and my life is going to come to an end.

Now in this lecture I'm lucky in the fact that I already know all the content from college but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and listen, but that's hard to do when everyone around me in the classroom (around another 40+ people) aren't interested in listening so are having their own conversations.

So, because of this sensory overload, I'm hearing things that I both need to know and don't need to know and my brain is being filled with some much information that it feels like it's about to explode, that my body is feeling the vibrations from so many people talking and that I just cannot take it anymore.

Now that the conversations have rapped up now and all I have to listen to is the lecturer, I'm calmer and able to cope. But not even 10 minutes ago I was in my seat, hands over my ears, rocking back and forth in my chair, just wanting the noise to end.

There are so many other symptoms to anxiety other than just getting worried and panicked. I hope that this real, in time insight into just one of those symptoms will help you or someone you know, but for now,

Be happy, be healthy, from Abbie xx


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