100 questions no-one asks (because why not?) (warning:long post, have snacks and drinks at the ready)

Welcome one and all to this; the 100 questions no-one asks challenge. 

I was thinking, what kind of a thing could I do as a way of letting you know more about me and the way that my brain works, something which not even I can do sometimes due to anxiety and depression. I picked the 100 questions no-one asks, I get to get some things off my chest and you get to learn more about me :) 

So in the words of Mario: "LETSA GO"

Do you sleep with the closet doors open or closed?
I just have a wardrobe, does that count? If it does, then closed.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner from hotels?
I don't go to enough hotels to make it worth taking them, so no.

Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out?
I go to sleep with them tucked in, but wake up with them tucked out. I must have strong legs to be able to kick it out in my sleep.

Have you stolen a street sign before?
No (don't really see the point in doing that...)

Do you like to use post-it notes?
I don't think I would have got through my A-levels without them so yes, I would even go a far as love.

Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I don't cut them out, I find them online to print out and even then I search for ones relevant to what I want to buy (let me know in the comments if you'd like me to talk about this more :)) 

 Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Bees, I feel like the amount of stuff I carry with me something would work as a bug repellant.

Do you have freckles?
No, which is a surprise to me and everyone else considering I'm ginger.

Do you always smile for pictures?
Here's the thing, a lot of the time with depression and anxiety people feel like they have to put on a "fake" smile to pretend to the world that they are okay, especially when taking pictures as they don't want to have to explain why they don't want to smile. So for pictures, yes, I always smile, but not always for the right reasons. If you feel the same then it might be worth explaining to the person taking the picture that you're not really feeling it at the moment and would rather not be in the photo, (providing the situation can call for it). 

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People telling me to just "be happy" when they find out I have depression or to try "calming down" and "staying calm" when they find out I have anxiety or even DURING a panic attack. This is why I've started this blog, not only to help show others with mental health problems that it is possible to find the good in life but to help end the stigma towards it. Some people do want to "be happy" and "calm down", but you need to actually ask them if you can help in any way so they can achieve it rather than just telling them to do it. Also, if they just want to be alone for a bit, please just LEAVE THEM ALONE, sometimes the pressure from those around (for me anyway, everyone is different) can make symptoms worse and they need to be alone to think things through. 

Do you ever count your steps when walking?
Only going up and down stairs.

Have you peed in the woods?

Have you ever pooped in the woods?
No (why would people want to know this anyway...?) 

Do you ever dance even if there's no music?
Of course, sometimes you just need to dance, and there's always music as I always have a song stuck in my head.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?

How many people have you slept with this week?
I've taken a nap with my boyfriend in his bed when I was over at his (don't be dirty guys...I know what you were thinking...(insert judgy eyes looking at you here...)).

What size is your bed?

What is your song of the week?
I don't really have one, I listen to so many songs all the time.

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course it is, you do you boo.

Do you still watch cartoons?
If family guy counts then yes, I watch family guy (and sometimes Scooby Doo). 

What is your least favourite film?
The Village (It's so bad and anticlimactic).

Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Under my bed, there's so much rubbish under there you'd have to be very brave to venture under there.

What do you drink with dinner?
Either water or diet coke.

What sauce do you dip a chicken nugget in?

What is your favourite food?
Medium rare steak.

What film could you watch over and over again and still love?
Shaun of the Dead.

Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My boyfriend.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

Would you ever strip or pose nude for a magazine?

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
5 years ago, trying to apply for school work experience (I never got a reply...)

Can you change the oil on a car?
I can't drive yet, so I've never had to learn.

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Again, I don't drive so...

Ever run out of gas?
How many times, I DON'T DRIVE!!! NEXT!!!

What's your favourite type of sandwich?
Ham and mozzarella toastie.

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Either a bacon sandwich or pain un chocolat.

What is your usual bedtime?
Whenever I get tired really.

Are you lazy?
I don't like to be, but sometimes depression drains you of any motivation you have to do stuff. Then the anxiety kicks in at the same time and makes you anxious and worry about not getting anything done. (YOU CAN'T WIN).

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I didn't really except for maybe as a ghost one year.

What is your Chinese astrological sign?

How many languages do you speak?
1 (English) along with a little Spanish which I did a GCSE in at 14 years old and juuuuust scraped a C grade.

What magazines do you read?

Which are better: legos or linchon logs?

Are you stubborn?
At times.

Who is better: Leno or Letterman?
We don't have them in England so...neither...

Ever watch soap operas?

Are you afraid of heights?
Only super high heights.

Do you sing in the car?
No, I'm too socially awkward. 

Do you sing in the shower?
I don't call it the shower, I call it my stage (so yes..yes I do).

Do you dance in the car?
Again no, socially awkward and all that.

Ever use a gun?


Last time you got your portrait taken by a photographer?
My school picture so when I was 16, 3 years ago.

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No, in fact, they play a big part of my life (post coming soon).

Is Christmas stressful?
Nope, I start to plan in late September and have all my shopping done by around December 3rd/4th.

Ever eaten a pierogi?
No, but hope to soon at uni.

Favourite type of fruit pie?
Cold apple and strawberry pie.

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Hairdresser for a  bit, then I found my passion for food at around 12 years old at that's all I've wanted to do ever since.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really, but I've had experiences in the past.

Ever have a Deji-vu feeling?
Quite often actually.

Do you take a daily vitamin?
Not anymore but I want to start again soon.

Do you wear slippers?
Not so much slippers but booties.

Do you wear a bathrobe?

What do you wear to bed?
Shorts/jogging bottoms and a sports bra (for that added support #bigboobed)

What was your first concert?
Haven't been to one, I prefer stand up comedy.

Walmart, Target or Kmart?
We don't have any of those in England...

Nike or Adidas?

Cheetos or Fritos?
I don't know what either of those are.

Peanuts or sunflower seeds.
Peanuts of the dry roasted variety.

Ever heard of the group Tres Bien?

Ever taken dance classes?

Is there a career you picture your future spouse doing?
Well, he's applied to do law a university, so lawyer.

Can you curl your tongue?
Indeed I can.

Ever won a spelling bee?
We don't really have them in England, and even if we did my spelling is bad (I'm using spell check as we speak) so I'm guessing I wouldn't. 

Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

Own any record albums?
No, but my dad owns hundreds, some of them even rare I think.

Own a record player?
No, but again my dad.

Do you burn incense?
I would love to but I'm asthmatic so I don't.

Ever been in love?
I am right now.

Who would you like to see in concert?
All the bands I want to see have either broken up or members have died such as my favourite band even Queen (RIP Freddy) or Guns and Roses.

What was the last concert you saw?
Never been to one.

Hot tea or cold tea?
No tea.

Tea or coffee?

Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles?
Sugar cookies as I don't really know what a snickerdoodle is.

Can you swim well?
Not really no, but I think in an emergency I could get out of the water.

Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

Are you patient?
Depends on how my mental wellbeing is on the day.

DJ or band at a wedding?

Ever won a contest?
I'm pretty sure I have, but I can't remember what I won right now.

Have you ever had plastic surgery?

Which are better: black or green olives?
In my opinion, the best olives are no olives.

Can you knit or crochet?
Yes, in fact I even have a small side business where I make and sell my knitted goods called "Knit and Stitch accessories" (go to the social media page to see where you can find it).

Best room for a fireplace?
Living room.

Do you want to get married?

If married, how long have you been married?
Not married, but I've been with my man for nearly 3 years.

Who was your high school crush?
I didn't really have one, I was that girl who was more interested in doing their work.

Do you cry and through a fit until you get your own way?
I don't mean to but sometimes it just seems to happen without me realising (please don't say I'm the only one who this happens to).

Do you have kids?

Do you want kids?

What is your favourite colour?

Do you miss anyone right now?


Who do you tag to do this challenge?
I tag all of you, choose a few questions (or all of them if you want but good luck) and comment your answers to help everyone get to know each other.

So you made it to the end of this post. Well done, I feel like I need to offer some type of refreshment after that but I can't I'm afraid so go get yourself a drink and maybe a snack after all that as a reward. Go ahead. I can wait...

...And you're back, hope you enjoyed your snack and drink, but now it is time for me to say goodbye. I hope this has helped you get to know me a bit more, see what I like and don't like and how my anxiety disorder and depression can affect even simple things in life.

Until next time, Abbie xx


  1. Yes you said and promised it's long, but fun to read. Happy to be through :)



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