This isn't going to be a long post but more of a follow-up on my previous post about DSA (which I recommend you read here first so that everything here makes sense). 

I wanted to let everyone know that I'VE BEEN APPROVED!!!

I'm now going to list off everything that I have been approved for and how it is going to help me. However, everyone (including myself) has to bear in mind that I'm not going to have this from the offset of university as I actually have to be attending classes before I can get all this with is understandable. I mean, they don't want to pay for everything and give it to me if I end up not even doing the course. 

Now that that disclaimer is out of the way, let's get to the list:

  • Text -to-speech software with a wireless headset- very often I am sitting and looking over notes so much that I won't even get up to eat in fear that if I don't read over them enough I will never understand them. I also sometimes don't even look at notes if my depression is bad as all my motivation leaves my body and I stay in bed all day long. However, by having my notes computer and having them read out to me I will be able to listen to my notes while making myself food so I'll be killing two birds with one stone and if I am having a depressive episode and I cannot get out of bed I can just lie and listen to my notes so I'm at least doing something production. 
  • Extended library loans- if I'm having a bad bought of depression or my anxiety is sky high, I'm not able to concentrate on my work so I end up falling behind a little in my work. With being able to have library books for longer, if this should happen then at least I will have the resources for longer to allow me to catch up.
  • A specialist mentor- someone for me to talk to for an hour a week who is trained in mental health problems who will talk with me about how my mental health problems may be affecting my education that week and help with coming up with a plan on how to overcome it. 
  • Mind-mapping software- having anxiety for me means that a lot of the time my mind is thinking about multiple things at once. With mind-mapping software even if I do have a lot on my mind and lots of ideas for an essay, I can see what I need to put down and where in the essay it goes so that I don't go into too much detail (something I'm always doing) and use my time wisely.
  • Dictation software- if I need to get everything in my mind down (trust me, there is always a lot going on in my mind) then my hands are never able to keep up with my brain, I end up writing stuff down too fast so I make loads of mistakes and then I have to go back and correct it all and sometimes it won't even make sense. By having dictation software, I can just speak what I'm thinking into a wireless headset with a microphone and then everything in my head will be typed up onto the computer screen and I'll have a lot less to worry about. 
  • Note taking software and microphone- if I'm having a bad mental health day, either my depression is making me very down and taking my motivation of my anxiety is sky high and I cannot concentrate on anything as I have so much going on in my head, I will still make the effort to make it into class but even though I may be there physically, mentally I'm still at home in bed. So with this note taking software and microphone, if I'm not mentally present in class, I will be able to record my lectures and listen back to them at another time so I still get the information.
  • Alternative presentation option- once when I had to give a presentation in college I got so anxious that I was crying and shaking and in the end it took what was meant to be a 5-minute presentation into 25 minutes as I had to keep stopping and starting to calm down and be able to talk again. With this alternative option, I now had the chance to be able to record me doing the presentation in a room either by myself or with just my lecturer to then be shown to the class at a later date, so I won't freeze up and panic.
  • Separate room for exams- I had this at college anyway but now I'll have it university. I will basically do all of my exams away from everyone else in a different room as that the little noises around me of people writing and tapping feet don't increase my anxiety, panic me and cause me to not finish my exam or finish but put a load of rubbish. 

And that's everything I get. If you are thinking of applying for DSA then please check if you are entitled and go for it, I never thought I'd have this much help avaliable but now that I know I'll have it I'm so much more confident that I'll do well in university.

But for now...

Stay happy, stay healthy, from Abbie xx


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