The weekly catch up #3

The weekly catch up #3

A week in my life condensed down into one post

10th July-16th July

Monday & Tuesday- Much like Monday and Tuesday of last week, not a lot happened. I've come to the realisation that I really need to find something for myself to do on a Monday, even if it's just going out for a 5-minute walk because the more I find myself not having anything to do, the more motivation I'm losing to do anything else during the week and if I truly want to do well in university then I think now's the time to start getting myself into a good Monday morning routine. Surprise surprise on Tuesday I was over at my boyfriend's, but the poor thing ended up getting quite ill, so ill in fact that in the middle of July he was shivering and complaining of being cold. So I ended up being nurse for the day but to be honest, I really didn't mind. I mean, I love the man, so if that means I have to look after him when he's ill then, of course, that's what I'm going to do.

Wednesday- On Wednesday I revealed to everyone on here just how deep my love of knitting is. As people may have guessed I really do love a bit of knitting but a lot of people are surprised when they find out just how much I love to knit and just how much knitting has helped me in my life. You can read the whole post here to find out just how long this knitting love affair has been going on. 

Thursday- This day was most definitely the high of the week. I got the results of my DSA assessment and I found out that I was approved for everything. Now it's just a case of sorting out a way for me getting the equipment and software and then contacting my university to put my specific support in place. To find out exactly what help it is I'll be getting, you can read the post here, and I think you may be surprised by just how much help is out there. I also dipped my hand back into baking which due to A-levels I haven't been able to do for a while but decided I needed to get back into seeing as I am going to study food at university. I even tried a bit of vlogging (more news on that later) and editing. To see the final vlog you'll have to go over to my facebook page which you can find here.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday- the weekend was somehow both non-eventful and eventful. It was non-eventful in terms of what I was physically doing which was the same usual thing (in case you hadn't guessed by now, it's 1) Go to my boyfriends, 2)Play video games, 3)watch him play video games and 4) watch YouTube) but in terms of my online presence, let's just say that it was booming. Not only did I hit over 70 likes on my facebook page (THANK YOU!!! Let's see if we can get that to 100 by the end of the week), I released my skin care post which you can read here AND I also launched (drum roll please................) MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!! Yes, as well as reading about my life with mental health problems here you will be able to watch it on my channel. Channel link is HERE so be sure to check it out, subscribe and comment on videos what type of content you'd like to see.

And that does it for this week, as always I hope you have enjoyed this post and be sure to comment below anything else you would like me to post about. Also be sure to follow the blog to keep up with future posts and check out my YouTube channel.

Stay happy, stay healthy, from Abbie xx


  1. Congrats on launching your YouTube channel! I hope to have my up soon too.

    1. Thank you, I'll be having my first vlog up later today so be sure to subscribe and check it out :) and good luck with your channel :)


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