My "emergency" kit I have to get through life
My "emergency" kit I have to get me through life
So a large part of my anxiety is being surprised by unpleasant situations and that if something goes wrong there is nothing I can do about it.
And when I say emergency I'm not talking about "oh my, someone needs first aid for a broken bone" emergency (however I am looking into doing a first aid course, you know, just in case) but more of a "oh my, my period started unexpectedly" which unfortunately happens far too often for me (ladies, I know some of you can understand me) or "I suddenly have a headache and need some painkillers to get through the rest of the day" which tend to pop up in my life more often then I would like.
After being surprised and made anxious one too many times, I decided that enough was enough and that I needed to always have items with me to make sure that no incontinent situation would ever get the best of me again!
With that in mind, I made a list of what I wanted to include and headed t my local pound shops and low-cost stores (because let's be honest, I'm a student on a budget and the quality of items is just the same as all the brands) and now I shall share with you exactly what I have in my "emergency" kit.
1. A bag to put everything in

It would be a bit tricky to carry everything in the kit if I didn't have a bag to put everything into as knowing me I would lose it all over time or would never be able to find in time which would defeat the whole purpose of having it with me.
Last Christmas (I gave you my heart...5 points for those who get that reference) my mother got me Slytherin wash bag along with all the other Slytherin gifts she got me. Can you tell that I'm a Slytherin? And I decided to use this bag for my main kit as it would be going into my university bag. It is big enough to fit everything in but not too big it takes up most of the bag.
It's important to make sure that the bag you chooses for your kit is the right size for you and the bag you want to use it with. For example, you don't want to be using a bag that takes up half of the main bag you are using that day. I'd advice going for one a quarter of the size of the bag your putting it in or smaller if possible.

As I wanted to make a total of three bags, one for university, one for the rest of the time and a spare one to keep at home, I needed to pick up two more bags which ended up being just a couple of drawstring bags with about the same volume of the wash bag.
2. Small packets of tissues
Having some tissues on you at all times can be invaluable and can be used in so many different situations.
Need to blow your nose? Grab a tissue!
Need to clean up something you've spilt? Grab a tissue!

Need some toilet paper but you realised too late that the cubical you're in has run out? GRAB get the idea.
So always make sure to have a small packet of tissues with you at all times, you never know when you're going to need them.
3. Personal items
Now, these things are very important to me, not just for my benefit but for the benefit of those around me.
When at university for at least one day a week I'm in the kitchens for 5/6 hours at a time and combine that with wearing a uniform that has three layers to it and having around 6 industrial ovens on things can get a little hot which means I can get a little sweaty.
This is why it's always inportant for me to have some deodorant on me for after kitchens just to feel a little fresher before my one hour commute home on a very busy train.

I also make sure that it is a stick deodorant rather than a spray as I'm asthmatic and therefore don't really feel like having an asthma attack each time I have to apply it.
I also like to have hand sanitiser on me as I use a lot of public transport and you can never really be 100% sure of how clean it is so after I get off the train or bus, I like to use a little sanitiser just to help me avoid getting ill.
This is not only because if I get ill I won't be able to go into the kitchens at university but I also have a lowered immune system due to my asthma and costochondritis so even though I can have all my vaccinations, it's better to be safe than sorry as it can take my body a good couple of weeks just to fight off a common cold.
I also like to have vaseline and hand/body cream as all that cleaning can dry out your skin or sometimes it just needs a little pick-me-up to make you feel a little better.
Cooldown spray has also been useful to me as I can get very warm very quickly if I get anxious so having this helps me to keep my body temperature down to something more manageable, giving me one less thing to worry about.
Note as well that everything I'm getting is in travel size to make it easier for me to get around.
4. Medicines

That's why I always make sure to have a few anti-acids on me as well as paracetamol, buscipan for IBS, cold and flu remedy tablets and throat lozenges for when that tickly throat needs to be dealt with.
Another piece of advice I'd give is that if you're planning on making multiple bags then just buy one packet of each medication you want and split it between the bags. this way you're not carrying a whole box with you and you don't have to buy multipole packs.
Saving space and saving money is a double win in my book.
5. Period items

That's why when it decides it would like to pop round for a visit before calling ahead of time I make sure to have what I need with me 24/7 which is only really pads, some spare underpants (which I don't really think need to be in the picture) and some feminine wipes just to really tackle
the surprise head on.
6. Mini first aid kit
The last thing I like to have is a mini first aid kit just to deal with any small cuts and scrapes I or anyone around me may get.
I will admit that it is very basic with only a box of varying sized plasters, a few gauze pads, some micro tape and a few antiseptic wipes but it's better than not having anything in you if you get a cut and want to deal with it ASAP.
Now the last thing to do is put each kit together in their bags. Now it may look like not everything is going to fit in but this is where all my years of playing Tetris come in handy.
So let's look at the before
And the after
So there you have it, that's my "emergency" kit I have to get through everyday life.
Be sure to let me know what you think, if you have anything similar or if now you want to make one of these kits for your own.
But for now,
be happy, be healthy, form Abbie xx
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